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Symbolic Analysis TechniquesПечать
Название: Symbolic Analysis Techniques: Applications to Analog Design Automation
Авторы: Francisco Fernández , Angel Rodríguez-Vázquez , José L. Huertas , Georges G. E. Gielen
Издательство: Wiley-IEEE Press
Год: 1997
Страниц: 405
Формат: PDF
Размер: 37.9 Mb
ISBN: 978-0780310759
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

This timely, self-contained volume gathers information disseminated from journals, workshops, and conference proceedings to present the most recent and most important applications of symbolic analysis to analog circuit design. It features an in-depth tutorial introduction to the techniques and algorithms underlying modern symbolic analyzers, and includes exhaustive references at the end of each section.

From the Back Cover:

Electrical Engineering Symbolic Analysis Techniques Applications to Analog Design Automation Symbolic Analysis Techniques is a collection of original contributions from renowned experts in the field presenting the most recent and important applications of symbolic analysis to analog circuit design. This timely, self-contained volume features an in-depth tutorial introduction to the techniques and algorithms underlying modern symbolic analyzers, and includes many references at the end of each chapter. Applications are discussed in a variety of important fields:

  • Automatic generation of optimum circuit topologies
  • Interactive circuit improvement and automated design space exploration
  • Non-fixed topology analog synthesis tools
  • Semiconductor parameter extraction
  • Analog testability and fault diagnosis
  • And many more related areas!
Symbolic Analysis Techniques also features an extensive comparison of modern symbolic analyzer characteristics and limitations. Brimming with practical instructions on tasks like formula simplification and post-processing, this book will be of use and interest to graduate students, researchers, and engineers involved in computer-aided circuits analysis and analog design automation.

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